
Humidity sensor

We all have air condition in  our house.Air condition reduces the humidity ,SenseAirr tells you when to close the air condition before the humidity drops below a critical level.

Carbon doixide sensor

Epidemiologic and  intervention research higher level of co2 cause acute health problems .It decreases the work capacity and increases the absentees in office. SenseAirr solves this problem by detecting the amount of co2 and telling the consequences and suggesting the right action to take.  

If you are a lover of planting then you need to monitor pollen as protein and glycoprotein  from pollen acts as allergens . SenseAirr monitors dust ,pollen and other harmful matter hidden from eyes and indicates you about the dangers of these hidden things  
Ozone level indicator 

Breathing ground level ozone can affect us in numerous ways ,it decrements lung function,inflammates the airways,increases asthma attack. SenseAirr keeps a check upon  ozone level  and indicates you about the dangers. 

Nitrogen Dioxide senser

Nitrogen dioxide is responsible for impaired lung function.If a building is on fire it may cause increase in level.Continued exposure to nitrogen dioxide can cause chronic bronchitis.Nitrogen Dioxide is produced in gas stove ,heater,other household appliances. To keep a watch on nitrogen dioxide extreme precision sensor are there in SenseAirr.

Carbon Monoxide Silent killer

Carbon Monoxide is called a silent killer as it is odorless gas and gets mixed with haemoglobin easily.Carbon monoxide  is accumulated when a broken chimney,furnace allows gas to flow through.Higher level of co causes impared reasoning,coma and even death.CO is often mistaken for flu ,SenseAirr will sense the CO level for you and  warn you for any dangers.


Benzene has severe effect on reproduction  .It affects the weight of child,delays bone formation  and affects bone marrow .It also increases lukemia which is responsible for blood cancer.Benzene can be checked  by SenseAirr by keeping a watch on its level. Its better to be precautoius than be sorry.

LPG sensor

LPG deprives lung from oxygen and causes hypoxia leading to suffocation.Repeated exposure may cause brain haemorrhage. SenseAirr not only detects gas level but also tells about the harmful effects of exposure of gas.

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With SenseAirr spread across globe we can track the health of our earth and keep check on pollution

Cancer for Our Earth

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Air pollution is rotting our earth .If we dont take right action it will be too late for us and our home earth.

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We are two  person with a vision of innovating a
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